Videoart “Illusion”: Sound Construction
We all know that the daily reality of health workers is very different from ours. They face the same fears as everyone, however, they also fight constant battles in the noble profession of saving lives, exposing their physical, mental and emotional health in order to push forward a country that unfortunately has also been hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Moved by the spirit of compassion and sacrifice of the medical staff, I could not contain myself to compose an inspired work around it. Thus was born the script for the video-art "Illusion".
Intending it to be a product that touches the entire country, one of the main factors is the representation of the multi-ethnic and multicultural face of Costa Rica. So I selected 28 people of all types: Men, women; youth, adults, elder people; multiple professions, including renowned artists; Costa Ricans and nationalized foreigners from Colombia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Spain, China, Cuba and finally, a girl who looks the viewer straight in the eye with an innocent but powerful message for everyone.
The creation of "Illusion" has been carefully crafted under all sanitary measures. "Illusion" is a 4-minute collective audiovisual production of emotional content on a musical, visual, and conceptual level.